Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Path to healing….

Nearly all illness is based on emotional trauma somewhere in our past. It doesn't always relate to this life either, so many times we bring a weakness through from a past life into the current. If we can find the root cause of the emotional distress and be willing to let go then so often the physical illness will just disappear provided it has not become a chronic one... they just take longer to fix AND a belief in the process that they can be cured.

Many enter into the healing process (particularly that of energy healing) with an underlying belief that it doesn't work. Humans are often their own worst enemy in that respect, which is why energy healing works so well with animals; they have no expectations just acceptance.

Getting rid of anger is no easy process unless you know the cause of it in the first place and are willing to let go of all attachments to the cause. This includes the person/persons against whom you feel the anger and not just the situation that caused it to arrive. Corny as it may sound you need to be able to send love to the root cause for the healing process to begin. That doesn't mean to say that you have to be friends with them, you just have to find the peace and love within yourself and be willing to let them and the cause go with love in your heart. Sometimes it helps to be thankful for the lessons you have learnt along the way.

While blame is being laid then discord festers and causes blockages in our energy systems that lead to illness and injury. There are many ways that can lead to healing; it's just a matter of finding what works best for us as individuals.

The path to healing and ultimately Enlightenment is an inner journey to clear all that stands in our path of both real and perceived hurts. We are the architects of our own futures; the keys lay within us for those willing to make the journey and with belief in their own inner light to show them the way.

Love and Light
and so it is....

© Sue @

Friday, April 26, 2013

An evening with the Hathors

What an evening/night I have had with this latest Hathor Heart recording of Tom Kenyons…
The story all started 2 nights before when I had a rather graphic dream about a falling out between some people. One walked away afterwards, others sat passively on their heels and watched what transpired, yet another held one person down while the last systemically attacked them with a rock.
It didn’t make sense at the time but in hindsight it is very much how we each act and react to the world around us. Some walk away and turn a blind eye, the majority sit on the sidelines and watch, some perpetrate an offense while others assist as another is persecuted. Those who walk away or turn a blind eye are no less culpable than the one who wields the rock.

But I digress…. Yesterday I received a link to download a sound gift from Tom Kenyon and the Hathors. Tom spoke of the urgency the Hathors attached to getting the recording out freely to humanity to assist us in the transition between dimensions so I downloaded and began playing the sound recording. The sound/feeling strikes deeply at the heart chakra but also at the physical and etheric bodies on many levels. I felt it through all levels and also radiating out into the air and earth around me. So last night just before I went to bed I played it once again and promptly fell asleep to dream and wake and dream and wake again… each dream was a clearing of past life incidents and how I felt deep inside about them. For the most part I have always been quiet and shy and yet the anger I felt during each dream surprised me greatly… I really did get to put into words my feelings that had never been expressed at the time….. and so I passed my night. Each time I woke after a dream I sat and played the Hathor Heart Chakra recording and then fell asleep to clear even more again.

This recording is truly a sound gift of transformation to humanity so if you no longer wish to sit on the sidelines then please visit Tom’s site and work with this gift for yourself and those around you. Will it affect you in the same way as it did me? That I cannot say… what I can say however is that it will make a difference and you have nothing to lose but your time and much to gain….ie a chance to take a giant healing step forward.
To receive your Free copy of this recording you can find a link to this sound meditation in the
Listening section of Tom’s website (

© Sue@ Astara

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Auralite .. a crystal of awakening

I would like to tell a story about my experience with one of the “newer” but very ancient crystals called Auralite.
Auralite is comprised of 23 minerals in combination in a stone of very high vibration. Each mineral brings its own quality to the table and yet they also combine to create its own unique signature.

 I recently bought a piece of this wonderful crystal and along with the piece I was gifted a donut of auralite to wear as a pendant. The donut shape suited me to wear on a cord around my neck since silver tarnishes so quickly when I wear it.
So now we come to the reason behind my tale. I wore the donut on the cord and then slipped if off over my head to place on the bedside table at night…. In the morning when I picked up the cord the auralite donut was no longer on the cord so I doubled the cord and slipped it thru the hole and threaded the cord thru the loop and slipped it back over my head. I wore it like this all morning out in the yard fixing fences and other work, then I went to lie down for a while. When I stood up I felt something slip down inside my clothing and caught it. So I am standing there with the auralite donut in my hand and the cord still done up around my neck!!!
But the story gets stranger yet! I sent the donut and cord to a friend as a gift since I thought it may help her. I will use her words to describe her experience with auralite.

Okay, so you sent me the necklace and at first the stone was room temperature, but when it was against my skin, it was freezing cold.
I felt like a burning sensation from the cold

I said to myself, I bet this is leaving marks and sure enough it did.
Well, later in the day, I had left in on the outside of my clothing, it seemed safe enough to put back in my blouse and all was okay. Next day I took a shower, but when I got out of the shower it was gone. I searched and found it in with the laundry with my clothes
No problems, but it seems odd, not easy to take off really.
I thought it was strange, but there is an explanation.

I had my day, and when I returned I took a small nap and went into the kitchen.
I felt sort of an itch around the area where the stone was on my chest.
All of a sudden the thing was in pieces on the floor and the string was still intact around my neck
I have all of the pieces, I love the energy from that but it is no longer a donut.
Like with you, it had slipped off of the string, but the string was still intact.
Unfortunately I was not lying down in the bed.
I was very, very upset, I feel like I lost a friend.”

What happened with this auralite donut? I do not know and can only surmise that the donut shape had altered the crystal in some way, perhaps the hole created a void that enabled it to slip off a fixed cord. It would surely have made a good magicians trick! Meantime I will continue to enjoy my not so ordinary auralite crystal.
© Sue @


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

It's funny how things happen...

It’s funny how things happen…

When I was in Idyllwild during a recent trip to the USA I bought an amazing smokey quartz crystal and also a deck of cards called Wisdom of the Night. At the time I had no idea why or what was about to unfold. On my return home I decided to try Tom Kenyon’s Meurte recording after I had dreamt of pulling pieces of me out of an underground river and did my first shamanic journey with it. On that journey I was accompanied by Aho Mitakuye Oyasin - All my Relations, animal and bird spirit guides.... It is a journey to the Underworld and then to the higher planes.

Yesterday I was planning to do the meditation again. I had decided to move my crystals to the room during the meditation and I transferred the recording to my USB for use on the laptop and even tested that it would play.

Over the past couple of days I had drawn some cards for myself from the Shapeshifter deck and they were good omens for the journey. On the previous day…..Goddess of the Air, a card of renewal and balance of past karma followed by an abundance card.

On the second day I drew the Goddess of the Water, a card of psychic wisdom and knowledge with glimpses into past lives, followed by a card of mastery. Although I did notice that the card underneath was of darkness, it was not one I had drawn.

In the evening I moved most of the selected crystals to my chosen place and set everything up, opened the file on the USB and hit the play all button and the whole file disappeared!!! So off I went to get a copy of the file again to play; as I walked back in I realised that the largest crystal was still sitting in its place facing north near the computer so I tucked it under my arm and took it with me; all day I had been intending to do this and decided at the last moment not to bother moving it.
So I placed it in the room once again facing north and the recording played without a hitch. The meditation went well, the energy was high and this morning the largest crystal had shifted slightly to face nth west.

This latest journey was different; intuition was saying it needed doing again and the crystals were to be an integral part of it. As I said I tried to leave the largest crystal out but it didn’t happen without it being there. I didn't feel that much during the meditation but I knew things were happening on a deep level. I started with the smokey quartz in my right hand and a Navajo bear figurine from the top of Oak Canyon under my left and yet it felt like I was holding air. Afterwards I felt that something had moved on a very deep level although I knew not what.

Now comes the interesting part:
The night before I had been looking at crystal skulls on ebay…. A friend had bought one a few days earlier and asked me to look at it and hers intrigued me. I mean that I really look at this one instead of my usual cursory glance that I spare for crystal skulls. Over the last few years I had seen a few and yet always dismissed the thought of buying.

However this time one had caught my attention and I went back for a second look and decided to buy. At first and even second glance it appeared like a blank slate with some interesting features but I felt a need to purchase this one so I did. Before I was drawn to that particular one I looked at many and nothing really caught my attention. I was thinking sheesh perhaps Lisa's skull is the only one I can get a reaction from! You have no idea how relieved I felt when mine popped up after looking at so many. Despite my love of smokey quartz I knew that this skull had to be a clear quartz and it was.
In some way I knew it was important that I had a new skull; not one of those that had been programmed by other ancient ones and it also needed to be one with flaws, not one of the unblemished ones so prized by many others.

However I couldn’t pay immediately because it appeared that I needed an invoice from the seller so I duly sent of a request for one and waited and waited for a reply with none forthcoming. Odd really as a few minutes earlier I had asked for a postage costing and received an immediate response!

In between times I had also watched that Budweiser horse video on youtube and was surprised by my reaction to it as well... somehow it ties in with the rest of this. The foal reared by a person who sees it grow and leave and then the reaction when a few years later their paths cross again. I had cold shivers at the parting of ways and then tears as they were reunited.

So while I waited I drew another card and it didn’t make sense really. It was the card called Darkness and related to a deep heart wrenching loss that was imminent. Little did I realise what was in store for me later in the evening!

I checked back on ebay to see if it would allow payment for the skull and the purchase was GONE…. It had literally disappeared of my purchase summary list. I refreshed the page and still it was gone. I looked for the item listing and couldn’t find it and I was in no way prepared for the deep sense of loss that I felt at its disappearance! So I sat there not understanding what was happening and suddenly after about 15 minutes there the listing appeared again and I could complete my purchase.  

So the all cards had fulfilled their prophecy, even the Darkness card as understanding dawned… In an early life I had been keeper of an ancient skull; the skull had been hidden away and buried for aeons, its powers lost as the world fell into a period of decadence and darkness. This was something I had long been aware of and yet till now I had never realised how it had affected me to this day. The loss I felt was not for the newly acquired skull but for the original "old friend" from so long ago. It had taken a shamanic journey to the underworld and then into light to finally understand how much of myself I had been denying me stemming from a determination never to be hurt by losing another "friend" again.   

As I finish writing this I once again drew another card from the pack. It is the card of Power; a card of success, change and balance; a card of expanded spiritual ability and personal evolution. Let’s hope I can live up to its prophecy!
© Sue @

BTW I have had this deck of cards for several years and used it rarely. Cards are a tool that I seldom use on any level and yet these last few days they have brought me to a place of healing.