Wednesday, June 27, 2012



Greetings My Beloved Ones,
This is Archangel Zadkiel with a message from the Divine Light.
Today, I would like, along with the assistance of the Divine Light, to bring through a message about the re-unification of the Soul fragments, for this is a most important aspect for each person to consider at this point in their path on the ascension process.
As you have had many incarnations on your Earth plane and on other planes, you have created a Soul fragment in each place to which you have journeyed. Of course, you know that all time is happening all at once, but from your perspective in the third dimension, many times you have to view this as a linear process rather than a circular process that is happening all at once. So from this perspective, if you consider this in whatever pattern, whether a linear pattern or a circular pattern, you have had many experiences both here on the Earth plane and here with us on the other realms. Each time this has occurred, you have incarnated for a specific learning or a specific lesson. Some lifetimes have been pleasant, some have been less than pleasant. However, each lifetime contained a great lesson for you, and many times you did not realize the lesson until you journeyed back to the other side for a life review and a decision about how to move forward in your next incarnation.
With the many energy shifts that are occurring in these times, many of these past remembrances are coming forth to you. They may occur during your pilgrimages to sacred sites, they may come to your awareness through something you are reading in a book, or they may come to you in a dream state. However they come to you, it is important to spend some time in meditation with these past life remembrances, for indeed, they are Soul fragments that are part of your greater Soul, your greater Oversoul, and they need to be brought back into alignment in order for you to progress to the higher levels.
Each of these Soul fragments, after you examine it, transmute any unpleasant situations about it, and gain from the greater experience, will then line up into your Column of Light so that this will allow you to move to higher and higher levels. The way to approach this is to first surround yourself with Love, for whatever experience is being brought back into your mind, know that in that particular lifetime or Soul fragment, you were there for a specific purpose of learning. Therefore, it is to be approached from the heart center from a look of Love and greater understanding and compassion for what your Soul experienced at that particular point.
You may wish to call forth and ask for scenes to be shown to you, or it may be a general knowing that is coming forth to you. Whichever it is, it does not have to be a complete lifetime that you are shown. It may just be a snippet or a fragment or a particular scene of that lifetime. Most likely what you are shown will be the crux of what you need to know to bring that aspect back into alignment with your Column of Light.
As you look at the situation and see what took place, you will most likely have a great sense of compassion for yourself and all others who were involved in that situation. For before you incarnated into that situation, all of the other supporting players in your scenario also agreed to come forth to play their parts. You each were there to help each other learn. It was not a situation where you were being punished, or where you were being put in an exalted position just for the purpose of an experience. You were there in that particular scenario for greater Soul growth, not only for yourself but for everyone involved.
When you look at things from this perspective, you are able to surround it with the Violet transmuting Flame of Light to bring balance and harmony and to give thanks for the part each one played in this particular scenario. You may ask for anything that needs to be brought into balance to be transmuted and transformed by the Violet Flame. This may be followed with filling the situation, and each person involved, with the beautiful Light that comes from above, for indeed, these contain the Adamantine Particles of Light, which can transform not only the situation but each person involved. When this happens and you realize within your own Being what life lesson was learned or what the purpose of the scenario was, then you are able to bring that fragment of understanding back into your own ascension Column of Light that contains your greater Soul, your Higher Self, or your Oversoul.
As more and more of these fragments line up into your Column of Light, you are able to progress to higher and higher levels. Many of you are finding that these Soul fragments are coming very rapidly into your awareness. This is a great gift, for as each fragment comes into your awareness, you are able to review it by the process we have given you, and you are able to allow this to move into your Column of Light. As you gain understanding about these situations, these are lessons you are incorporating into your greater Soul so that you do not have to repeat these experiences again, for you have gained the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding that came from the experience that you have just transmuted and brought back forth into your Column of Light.
Your Column of Light will grow brighter and brighter as you review each experience and each Soul fragment and bring it back into harmony with the greater Oversoul that exists. As more and more of these fragments are brought into harmony, you will feel a gradual rising of your entire Being into higher and higher levels. You are moving up through the dimensions and through the levels within each dimension. It is a gradual rising that occurs because you are looking at each situation with Love. You are showing Love and compassion for each aspect of yourself and for all others involved. This gradually lightens your load, so to speak, and brings back into harmony all aspects of yourself. Just as a balloon rises when it is released, so you begin to rise to the higher and higher levels. This is the intended plan, for re-unification and harmony with all other Light Beings and ultimately with the Creator Source is the plan that has been there all along.
You are leaders in the forefront of this process, for you are brave in looking at the Soul fragments and bringing them back into harmony. As you do this, you help to light the way for others, just as those who have gone before you are lighting the way for you. Throughout this process, this provides an unbroken bridge of Light that stretches from your current third dimension all the way into the highest dimensions imaginable and even to those beyond your wildest imaginings. This is as it has always been in the intended plan, and we are very happy that you are participating in this process, for we in the Divine Light need all of you as Lightworkers to participate. The more of you who participate, the easier it is for all.
We wish to encourage you to continue to welcome forth your Soul fragments for examination with Love and compassion and for transmuting them, incorporating the lessons, and bringing them into your Column of Light.
We surround you greatly with the golden white Light of the Divine Creator. Know that you are greatly loved, and we are ever present with you.
We surround you with the golden Love and Light that is around everything.
I AM Archangel Zadkiel with the Divine Light
...and we surround you with Love.
And so it is.

All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson,
You may copy freely and share. Please copy the message in its entirety, and give credit to Archangel Zadkiel as transmitted through Linda M. Robinson/

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Current Ascension Developments by Archangel Sandalphon

Current Ascension Developments by Archangel Sandalphon

Welcome to the Sacred School Of Om Na

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 18/06/12

A pearlescent light swirls with love from my heart as I greet and stand before you; I am Archangel Sandalphon, a light keeper of the Earth. I come forward to share some information on the shifts that are occurring during this present time of ascension. So many different things are occurring and manifesting that it can be difficult for you to realise them all and for us to draw your attention to the transitions. As a keeper of the Earth vibration I am aware of all the energetic shifts that occur in regards to the physical and energy bodies of the Earth and the souls existing upon the Earth.

The most predominant shift at this time is the great volume of angelic light that is being anchored and is melting into all levels of the Earth. The angelic kingdom has been asked to anchor their vibrations into the Earth due to the angelic vibration being the closest vibration to the vibration that needs to be obtained on the Earth. Selfless love is the vibration of the angels and archangels, when we focus only upon the energy expressed from the angelic kingdom rather than the beings themselves we see that they express an active, detached compassionate loving vibration, this is the vibration that the Creator wishes to manifest on the Earth. By pouring the vibration of the angelic kingdom into the Earth it is our hope that humanity and the energy levels of the Earth will respond and emanate a similar vibration in return, thus drastically increasing the vibration of the Earth and every soul in existence. The energy of the angelic kingdom is acting as activation energy but also as a mirror of what can be achieved so that souls on the Earth and even Mother Earth may look into the angelic vibrations and see themselves in the same light. The angelic vibration holds a tremendous volume of love which is needed to bring great healing to all levels of energy within the Earth and each being, while the selfless aspect or detached aspect allows for separation and the personality to dissolve to create unity. Souls on the Earth will not learn to embody the angelic kingdom but will allow a similar vibration of truth within their beings to blossom and emerge. Many will begin to recognise that the angelic kingdom holds one proportion of the love vibration of the Earth and that each soul holds a portion of Creator love to make a whole. The angelic kingdom has always held a portion of the Creator's love as a reminder for all. I and the angelic kingdom wish to inspireeach soul to activate the selfless love vibration from within their being to merge with the angelic energy and the Earth creating a greater whole of the Creator on the Earth.

Allow yourself each day to call upon the angelic light of selfless love to flow into your entire being and reality. Let yourself breathe the angelic light not only into your being and physical body but also into the Earth. Your entire being and reality will naturally respond to the vibration of light bringing forward your own selfless love vibration to flow abundantly from your being. This process is also a great healing operation for the Earth and souls in existence. The angelic kingdom and the Creator are asking you to continue to heal yourself with the vibration of love but through your inner healing you also heal your outer reality by allowing your selfless love vibration to ignite and radiate with power.

You may wish to say in your mind as you focus upon breathing in and out through your heart chakra,

'I ignite myself as selfless love.'

Another shift and transition that I wish to share with you, is the presence of a new chakra within your being. Some of you have already accepted and have been using this new chakra, while for others it in now anchoring or has been over the last few months. This chakra was created by the Creator and Archangel Metatron, it holds many colours of light in its centre but emanates a silver and white light which is the first light that you see upon observing the chakra. The chakra is also somewhat larger than other chakras and holds all that the soul needs to achieve ascension and return completely to the light with a constant connection. The chakra has been placed by Archangel Metatron just below the stellar/cosmic gateway chakra and just above the soul star chakra. The stellar/cosmic gateway allows you to be connected to the entire flow and vibration of the universe while the soul star chakra houses the vibrations, wisdom and evolving ascension of the soul, your essence and truth. The presence of this new chakra has evolved because it is now time for the soul to hold the power and to divinely guide and influence the reality they are experiencing, rather than allowing the mind or emotions to hold the power. This new chakra constantly gathers everything that is needed to support your soul's evolution, it is a chakra that will also dissolve or disperse when your soul comes into its complete power. This chakra is merely to support the growth and advancement of the soul into the physical body and reality, akin to nourishing the soul and supporting its development. The presence of the new chakra doesn't intervene with the light of the Creator flowing through your stellar/cosmic gateway but only enhances the vibration and empowers the soul every time light is anchored.

Above your head with your hands you may find this new chakra, at the top of your head you have your crown chakra, then a little above your head you have your soul star chakra, moving up a little you will find the new chakra, then above that the stellar/cosmic gateway. By using the sensors in the palm chakras of your hand you should be able to feel the energy of the chakras as energy balls or a sensation of heat or vibration. You should be able to imagine but also feel as if you are holding each chakra in your hands and this will allow for you to connect with the new chakra issued by Archangel Metatron and the Creator, therefore acknowledging its presence. Simply know that this new chakra is working to empower your soul's evolution on the Earth and your ascension path.

It is important to assist in the acceptance of this chakra otherwise the soul can feel a separation from the Creator because of the new energy vibration within your energetic field. By imagining or visualising the new chakra and drawing its light all the way through your being and chakras, allowing the light to flow into the Earth and into your Earth Star chakra below your feel you will allow for greater integration and harmony within your being. The new chakra can then achieve what it has been divinely created to achieve, the empowerment of your soul in your current physical reality. When connecting with this new chakra you may wish to call upon Archangel Metatron to guide you and to be of assistance. As for a name for this new chakra, many people who are discovering the new chakra are giving diverse and different titles but a name is simply a label and not of great importance. It may be appropriate to acknowledge this chakra as an ascension chakra or a soul empowerment chakra.

It is also essential to allow light to flow through this new chakra into your soul star chakra, running through all your chakras as the new chakra will flush or filter energies the soul needs into the soul star chakra and empower the soul's energy within your entire being.

Another shift that is occurring on the Earth is being led by Lord Merlin and many beings of light connected to the elemental and nature kingdom. Lord Merlin is readjusting the energetic codes and patterns in some areas on the Earth so that the energetic patterns of the Earth can be as one and be magnified as one in December 2012 thus enhancing the energetic networks and strength of the Earth as a physical and energetic being. If you wish to be a part of Lord Merlin's purpose, you may call upon his energies in meditation and ask for him to surround you in his light. As you breathe in Lord Merlin's light address Lord Merlin out loud explaining how you wish to be of service and involved in his work of readjusting the energetic codes and patterns of the Earth so that they work as one. If Lord Merlin believes that it is your divine purpose to be of service in this way he will share with you an area that is local to you on the Earth and will ask you to be present in that area. He will then share with you the codes and patterns of energy that need to be anchored in that area of the Earth in order to bring forth greater balance and allow for energy to flow through the Earth with greater ease. Lord Merlin will then guide you to express from your heart and through your hands the energy that needs to be planted into the Earth in order to assist Lord Merlin's purpose.

The information I have shared with you are different shifts and missions that are being achieved and anchored into the Earth at this time to be of assistance to the ascension process of all. Please know that you may call upon my assistance whenever you are achieving any kind of Earth work and I will be happy to be of service.

In service to you, the Earth and the Creator,

Archangel Sandalphon   

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Melchizedek, May 1, 2012

The Rainbow Scribe: Melchizedek, May 1, 2012

Beloved Ones,
Your individual Light shines far amongst the backdrop of the constant change and metamorphosis taking place within you and in every atom of the World upon which you are living. The most precious gift given to you in these times is LIFE. And it is now your task to become fully conscious in your everyday experience of life. This requires your complete focus and attention. This requires that you give laser focus on every minute and small detail in the wonder of life around you. You are one with all that surrounds you – the Earth, the trees, the flowers, the sky, the birds, the animals, with all insects and with all sentient life.
The World you have been living on for countless lifetimes is about to undergo a shift that will bring Her and all upon, within and above Her into a greater alignment with the Galactic centre. This will precipitate a greater unfolding and unraveling, if you will, of the Divine Plan of your life and of the greater mission that you chose to undertake on behalf of the greater good for all. You have been feeling the friction of being between two dimensions while moving into yet a higher one. This is a monumental accomplishment for those who have been applying themselves to this task.
Everything that you do individually is done on behalf on the entirety of Humanity and we are awed by your great determination to surpass all former expectations of what can be accomplished. You are Ones who go beyond all agreements and continue to exceed all that was required of you. We bow to you, our Beloved Human Angels, for all that you continue to do. By your actions and your courage, you are helping to move an entire Planet with all Her inhabitants into a glorious new beginning that is filled with the greatest hope for expanding and unlimited potentialities. The days that you are now living are both the end times and the new beginnings. All about you these two forces are gathering speed and creating the brave New World.
It has been confusing for you to internalize and express outwardly the age old patterns that you volunteered to transmute for Humanity by applying Love in every disempowering and painful situation that you have been experiencing and feeling. And slowly, you have been turning the tide of the opposing forces within yourselves into greater Light, Love and compassion – compassion for yourselves as well as for others around you. At this time, very few of you see the whole picture, for you have not regained your connection with your Divine Self; this will now be changing.
Let your Love of God be present in all that you do, think, feel and desire. It is this for which you have been longing. The fulfillment of this longing cannot be found outside of you, it is within you and by the experiences you have undertaken, no matter how unpleasant or painful they may be or have been, it has brought you to this place where you now stand, poised, on the brink of the manifestation of wonders and happenings never before seen or experienced in this Universe. All that you are participating in has been foretold and it has been surpassed beyond all boundaries and limitations. You are in the process of remembering the greatness of your Being and as you do this, you heal and bless those around you.
The way forward is in the concentration on the details, putting one foot in front of the other, doing small deeds as necessary and joining together with others in unison when the opportunities to do so present themselves. Where more than one are gathered, therein is created a greater and more potent power to effect the most incredible and comprehensive changes ever thought could happen. You are the Light of the World and by your Light, the Light within others is igniting in an unstoppable journey that has the entire Universe watching with bated breath. You are blessed beyond measure and Loved unto eternity.
I AM Melchizedek
©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace.
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.
Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Message From Old Chinese Man During Healing Session 22 May 2012

The symbol of the dragon represents spiralling DNA, the path to greater enlightenment.

·         Let your hands remain hot like an electric current and know that the energy will flow to wherever it is needed the most. Direct it at every living thing, flower and fauna and mother earth herself. Such an easy task, yet we still fail to do so on a daily basis, even for ourselves, why, strokes beard.
You are all ‘masters’ in your own right, so should therefore use your ‘mastery’, is that not so? For why would you have this skill and not use it, tuts, such wasteful energy, like leaving a light bulb on when no one is in the room, you all know better than that do you not?
Keep your lights on and use the energy from them every day, then replenish. It is a simple thing to do and you will also receive that on going energy, which will become as a cycle, giving, receiving, giving, receiving….ahhh the bliss makes the heart soar and the planet sing with joy.
We have no doubt you can do this and will be at your side, but cannot do this for you. Smiles, If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me. Hands together and bows them forwards.
I leave you in the orange/pink ray of peace and also love.
Name Chu Chin Chow was given. It’s the name of a musical and this is the lyrics of one of the songs:

The Cobblers Song :
I sit and cobble at slippers and shoon
From the rise of sun to the set of moon
Cobble and cobble as best I may
Cobble all night and cobble all day
And I sit as I cobble this doleful day.

The stouter I cobble the less I earn
For the soles ne'er crack nor the uppers turn.
The better my work the less my pay,
But work can only be done one way.

And as I cobble with needle and thread
I judge the world by the way they tread.
Heels worn thick and soles worn thin
Toes turned out and toes turned in
There’s food for thought in a sandal skin.

For prince and commoner, poor and rich
Stand in need of the cobbler’s stitch
Why then worry what lies before,
Hangs this life by a thread no more.

I sit and cobble at slippers and shoon
From the rise of sun to the set of moon
Cobble and cobble as best I may
Cobble all night and cobble all day
And I sit as I cobble this doleful lay.
© Magenta ~ Please feel free to share, but not to change the contents ~ Namaste

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Ramtha – 8 May 2012 - 22.29pm – During Healing Session.

Ramtha – 8 May 2012 - 22.29pm – During Healing Session.

Dancing then poked me in third eye with his finger.

In the hearts of you all is the truth, follow your hearts which will take you on the path of that which is necessary for you.

Be not afraid to follow your hearts, for they will always take you on the exact journey you are meant to be on.

Be not afraid to speak and act your truth for fear of ridicule, for if you do not speak and take action your truth is not important enough to you.

To see you as warriors of light would be a wonderful thing to behold, walking/marching as one with your lights held high.

No fear, only love to see your way along the path.

This may not always seem easy, but remember your truth will set you free and we will be with you on all of the steps you take.

From my heart to yours Ramtha.

Song given : Keep right on til the end of the road.

© Magenta ~ Feel free to share this message, but not to change it's content

Information on Ramtha for those interested
Ramtha was from Lemuria. Ramtha is an ancient warrior, conqueror, and ascended Master who lived 35,000 years ago. Remnants of his life and teachings exist in various archaeological artifacts from India and Egypt, as well as ancient Hindu literature.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Inner Peace through Forgiveness

Inner Peace through Forgiveness

To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.
~ Lewis B. Smedes

Many of us carry around a lot of anger and resentment or other negative energies towards others and they need to be dealt with or else eventually they will cause a very physical illness within us. Before it gets to that stage however it will greatly impact on the quality of our own happiness and that of those around us.

Forgiveness is the act of releasing the ties that bind you to an act - either imagined or real - which you feel has been committed .... it's the thought that rises to the surface when you think of someone and immediately sends you into a place that is less than Love and peace.

These emotions have a profound effect on the quality of our life and we cannot grow until they are released and forgiven. Forgiveness does not mean that you condone the act; it means that you realise that the act was not yours and was created by things beyond your control. In some cases you may not have been entirely blameless and in others you may have had no input whatsoever. These acts may have happened as long ago as childhood and the person may no longer be in our lives and yet still we hang onto the bitter pill that causes bile to rise in our throat or weighs heavily upon us.

Forgiveness is not about apportioning blame it is ALL about letting go to allow for growth within. When we forgive we claim back our own Power and control of our lives. We are no longer the victim of something long past and can now step into a recognition of how much we have grown.

Now is the time to release the ties and set yourself free. First by forgiving the other and then by forgiving yourself for allowing yourself to be held captive by the negative emotions. It is the greatest gift that we can give ourselves.

Forgiveness is a measure of great inner strength for the weak would far rather hang on than let go.

When we forgive we allow our souls to fly free and soar to the highest heights into creativity, love and peace.

We become at One with ourselves and all that surrounds us.... we are free! Free to be all that we can be.

May be copied and shared freely as long as the content remains unchanged.
© Sue @

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Kindness Heals

Maitri (“my tree”) is a Sanskrit word meaning “unconditional friendliness towards self which radiates out to others”  and it encompasses love, forgiveness and compassion within its whole.

So why I am I writing of this word today… so many of those I know are going through times of great difficulty with either their own health or the health of someone that they hold dear.

For them it is a very testing time and they will run through a whole gamut of emotions before they finally find the peace within themselves. In many cases it is like preparing for and running a marathon; only this marathon has no real map to guide and we have no definitive idea of what the outcome will be. It will often test every bit of our strength, ingenuity and will power just to make it through each day.

The emotions come in various stages (and in no particular order) and each has to be worked through … anger (why is this happening), fear, emptiness, relief, guilt and hopefully to finally find a place of peace and compassion within.

It is never easy whether you are survivor, friend or family, and each will deal with it in their own way; there is no right way or wrong way. Maitri in all its meanings will go a long way towards healing though.

 Many of the healers of today are survivors who have been through this marathon and are now using their love, compassion and skills to help others. The art of healing comes in many shapes and forms; it is not always the Doctor, nurse, therapist or energy healer who works their magic in helping others. In many cases it is just the ordinary folk (in this case not so ordinary), who by the simple giving of their time, energy love and compassion have learnt to help others through their time of need.

To all of you who work in this way, I salute you and honour your commitment to making the world a better place for those who cross your path.

In Love and Light

© Sue @ Astara Healing. This message may be shared freely as long as it is not altered in any way and credit is given to the author.
An exercise in how to practise Maitri.
Firstly, find yourself a comfortable place to relax for about 10 minutes.Once you are settled comfortably take a few deep slow breaths to centre yourself and relax and close your eyes.
Now cast your mind back to a time when you may have been hurt in some way… either your feelings or some actual trauma. Sense how you felt when someone came to your aid with a hug or a kind word when you were lonely or hurt or just gave you a sense of direction and purpose when you felt lost and adrift in the sea of life; anything that made you feel better and was helpful. Feel into that moment… what impressions are you getting; whether it be sights, sounds or smell?  Relax into it and enjoy that feeling of receiving for a few minutes… feel the loving kindness that surrounds you.
Next I would like you to think of a time when you have extended a helping hand to another living thing in distress whether it be an animal, bird or human. How did you feel as reached out with compassion… feel deeply into the thoughts and emotions of the moment for a few minutes remembering what it feels like to give of yourself.
And lastly I would like you to combine the two feelings in a circle of both the giving and the receiving of energies of unconditional loving kindness and unconditional compassion within and for yourself. Breathe the energies in and breathe them out, breathe them in and breathe them out. There is no need to attach yourself  to the thoughts, feelings or sensations within just let them go without judgement or to wonder whether you think you need or even deserve …  breathe in maitri and breathe out maitri and stay in the circle as long as you feel the need to give and receive.
When you feel rested and complete; open your eyes, come gently back and rest.
This is a good exercise to practise daily… in the evening before bed for a restful nights sleep and in the morning to face the day.
Namaste xxx

Freedom of Choice, Will and Power

Freedom of Choice, Will and Power

When you Love someone freely and unconditionally
then you must Love them enough to let them go… like a child who into adult
grows, if you can Love it enough to go when to even though the choices being made
are not the choices you would wish them to make, then you must give them the

Any WILL that you impose on others is not given
from the perspective of Love. Freedom to let others make their own mistakes and
learn from them can only be given when the heart is a loving heart.

Those who impose their Will on others do it for their
own gratification and not for the common good.

Freedom to choose is the greatest gift we give
anyone, even when we feel in our hearts that their choice is flawed… When
Freedom of Choice is given then the Doorway is always left open for a loving
return. If the choice is taken away then apathy and resentment become the
hinges and the doorway freezes shut.

Everyone has the right to make mistakes, learn
from them and everyone should have the Freedom to choose their own paths and
find their own way home.

Teach others to fly, open the doors so that they
may go where they will, but keep the home fires burning that they may return
when the heart grows weary and they are in need of succour. Life is too short
to be spent in petty squabbles – if someone makes you feel uncomfortable or you
don’t agree then walk away and let it be. If they are comfortable with who they
are then let them have that Freedom to be who they are.

During the many months to come many are going to
be faced with making these choices as friendships and loves fall apart and new
and fresh ones come our way. Just let those who you must let go, go with Grace
and a loving thought or kind word. A harsh word, once spoken cannot be be
recalled, so choose your words wisely and well.

Let Love be the reason to grant to others the
Freedom of Will and Power that we would wish for ourselves and all we hold

Love and Light and Blessings to you all.

© Sue @ Astara Healing
May be copied and shared freely as long as the content is not altered in any way.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Turtles Of The Sea Of Light On The Soul Plane 24 April 2012

We must develop a hard outer shell like the turtle, so that anything people may say will not penetrate our softness underneath.
Words may bring us down, hurt us, making us feel sad, rejected, angry, fearful, which is why the hard outer shell is needed.
Do not be afraid that this will in fact make you a ‘hard’ person, it is merely a protection from another’s words or actions.
Slow yourselves down to a turtles pace and feel the fluidity within you as you do so, you will feel safe, warm and calm.
We leave you in a protective blue flame, that will carry you through.
We love you, the Turtles.
© Magenta – 24 April 2012

Please feel free to share the contents of this message, but not to change.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

When we look at nature and the beauty that surrounds we begin to realise how small and insignificant we are and yet we are far more than that.

We have the power to change the face of the planet and we have done but not always to the planets advantage. Each of us as individuals need to be aware that what we do and how we think affects everything and everyone around us

"The MIND IS ENERGY and has the power to change matter.   Know that MATTER is simply the physical manifestation of energy."

For each of us this is a journey and how we choose to view it is how we will manifest our own future and the futures of those around us. See things as beautiful and they shall grow even more so….  

Take time to let your mind be still and go within to see the beauty of your own true self. When you shine the light of your soul into your infinite mind then it too shall grow and flourish… just as the lotus sets its seed and sends forth a shoot up from the murky depths to break forth into the sunlight and bloom with all the beauty of its flower.

Reach higher than your dreams to the moon and stars beyond …. We are the creators! Our guides will guide us but they cannot do it for us, only we have the power to make our dreams come true, with trust and love and perseverance. We have been blessed with free will so it is our choice whether we walk in light or shadows… it surely is not a difficult decision to choose light so that we can receive all the help we need. If we choose the other path then our guides will step back until we are ready to walk into the light. They will not forsake us but they surely will not help us destroy ourselves.

Just as the acorn falls to the ground set roots and grows into a mighty oak tree let your thoughts and deeds grow into something that will withstand the test of time

So be kind to yourself…. forgive yourself for what you have not been and love yourself for all the good you have done no matter how small and insignificant you may think it has been… even a smile or kind word may be all that is needed to change another’s life for the better.


© Sue G. Astara

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Message from Earth Energies

We appear small and helpless but we are strong. The same applies to you all.
Don’t judge or be deceived by the size of anything, just because it appears small.

Think of the single rain drop of water that sends out ripples on a pond.

Let your inner strength shine through to all living creatures and Mother Earth, who all need a little more strength and in turn remember that you are also receiving this strength from others

We can all lift the Earth and her energies higher and higher, as our own vibrations rise higher also. Think of ourselves as an army of Ants, striving, working and helping each other as we go, oh the things we can accomplish

So our little army of Ants, we leave you now in the safety of your Ant family to carry on, carrying on

With our Love and strength to you,

the Earth Energies

Through Denise Kneale during the group healing session in Astara Healing Sanctuary on 18.4.12
the song went with the message

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Helping others cope with the new energies…

For some time now we have been faced with ever increasing waves of new energies. We have seen the planets stationing in parts of the sky that has not occurred for a long time and lately others going retrograde. Mars has now begun a new forward movement and we will now be propelled forward on our paths.

What this means for us is that we need to keep our thoughts in a positive frame of mind. Oh yes this has been said many times before and it will continue to be said until we really “get it”

It is all in the way we choose to see things… each story has many sides and everyone looks at things from a different perspective. It is just like looking at a glass of water that sits on the table before us … is it half full or half empty… how you perceive that is a measure of how you perceive life. A glass that is half full may soon overflow, where as one that is half empty can quickly run dry.

If you are faced with a problem then it is time to stop looking at the negatives of the situation. Instead look at what is positive in it and then what can be done to enhance the positive. If after all that you cannot find what you need then it is time to walk away.

For those that are on a higher path this can be very confusing… we know what we need to do but often we feel isolated from those we hold dear on this plane. They do not understand us at all it seems… finding time for doing what needs to be done to keep on our higher path and walk in light is never easy. Many have partners who have no understanding of how their bad moods affect us and we drive them nuts when our head is away in the clouds and unable to focus totally on the most mundane of tasks, like where did I put the butter when it is not back in the fridge or even what did I intend to do when I walked into this room.

So what do we need to do..

Firstly we need to realise that if we stay calm and balanced and sit in a place of non-judgement of others then by the very strength of our own positive energies we can tip the balance from darkness into light. So our task is to remain calm and balanced at all times and tune into our own inner guidance on how best to change the dynamics of a developing situation.

Listen with your heart and you will know when you need to act swiftly to nip an awkward situation in the bud. Know that you are protected and guided as you walk your path of light. Do NOT buy into the negativity and let your own calm reassurance change the flow of the energy tide as it ebbs and flows around you. … be the port of calm in the storm for those you meet.

If you are feeling swamped by emotions or a situation then sometimes it helps to talk it through with another such as you;

And MOST importantly take time out for you… time to cleanse and recharge your own batteries. Be kind to you and walk in light.


Sue @ Astara Healing ©

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Discernment and Choice

This message was channeled on 8th July11

This subject came up during the circle last night in Astara Healing so I thought it was time to expand on it here…
We are all seeking to find the path that is right for us at this point in time and what we all need to realise is that what is right for one person is not necessarily right for another so when you are seeking a teacher look for one who doesn’t tell you that this is the way it has to be done but rather one that urges you to use discernment in making the choices that are right for you.
Each of you is at a different stage of growth and what works for one does not necessarily work for another. There are higher and higher levels of light being brought into the planet and many of the old ways of doing things no longer holds true at this point in time. We all came from the same Source/ God yet we also came from different parts of the same field and our needs are different, just as different crops have different needs to grow and flourish. A teacher can help you find what may be right for you but they cannot say that because it worked for them that it will for you…
Listen with your heart and if what you hear does not resonate and speak to you then take what you need from it and blow the rest to the wind. You are the architect of your own future so make each step along the way count.
Love and Light
Sue @ AstaraHealing ©

Clearing and purifying negative thought forms.

At this point in time with planets that are retrograde many are finding energies coming up that are affecting their own balance and peace, so here are a few quick ways to deal with that which affects us when we need to throw the switch as Lady Nada has advised.

First we need to concentrate on filling the space around us with a clear white light of protection as we throw the switch on the situation.

If we are dealing with energies projected on us by others the best way to negate it is to send the pink ray of Love towards the one who is affecting us. Nothing else will work effectively with anothers thoughts.

Next we deal with our own thought forms of fear and anger, which can be triggered by anothers thoughts and actions. For fear and anger within ourselves we need to project a Golden ray of light towards our own thought forms and you will notice that they quickly disappear within it's purifying light.

Another way to clear your own field is to step into the silver violet flame. First you need to identify the thoughts or belief patterns that you are willing to release and then imagine that the ground opens in front of you and the silver violet flames erupts from this space. As you step into the purifying flame you give intent to clear all that no longer serves your highest good and all negative thought forms transmuted into light. The silver violet flame is cool and will never harm you and when it's work is done within a few seconds you will notice that the silver violet flame will change colour to pure white and you can then step out of the flame.


Let your hand and heart find the freedom it desires,
set yourself free, unload all that is not yours,
you are not the only one who has to look out for everyone else,
silence your mind, rest your head,
let go of all that weighs you down,
you are not alone,
for each trial you face know we are here to hold your hand,
let your tears flow but not hidden away, 
you don't have to sit in silence,
your heart can only hold so much
so release and share,
don’t turn your back on us because you are afraid,
we will walk with you every step of the way,
so silence your mind and rest,
for all that is happening will show you new light
You all carry too much and need to realise you are just human….
You are not alone.....

AA Gabriel ..... thru Amanda Lowe
Just laugh, just laugh, find any way you can to make yourselves laugh,
 it heightens your vibrations
Think of the scene in Mary Poppins where they start laughing at the table and the table floats right up to the ceiling but comes down when they stop
They are sitting on the chairs that float up too
So you need to watch and read things that make you laugh…leaving the negativity behind you
It is a powerful healer which should be used every day and often during the day
We should laugh at ourselves and the mistakes we make, for they are but learning curves
Just as long as you laugh is the main thing
We laugh with you as your vibrations rise, so again you are never alone
If only you will listen….

The answer my friend is blowing in the wind....

Lady Quan Yin ......thru Denise Kneale
Allow the light and Love to wash over you and fill youto the core,
Fill the silence,
Fill the air with laughter evermore,
When times are hard don't look back, at thing that make you sad,
 For fear and sadness, will make you all go mad.
Raise your laughter, widen your smile,
For Love  is here with you,
So fill the silence, 
Fill the gaps, and find the real you ...
AA Gabriel ......  thru Amanda Lowe

Essential Oils and their uses

by Sue Goyne
  • Aromatherapy In Ancient times the etheric qualities of essential oils were widely employed by priests and priestesses of virtually all religions. Being so subtle and immaterial, scent was regarded as divine. Amongst other things, fragrant oils were used to attract spirits, gods and goddesses, to banish evil energies and to purify the temples....

Releasing Ties That Bind

Well here I am once again and looks like I am
going off on another …

Over the last couple of weeks I have noticed that
many are having ever increasing difficulties just coping with everyday life.
Many have stated that they feel like they are “losing it” and losing control of
their lives either mentally or physically with strange un-nerving emotions,
sudden bouts of pain and nausea or other illnesses that flare up and affect
different aspects of their lives.

What many don’t realise and need to recognise is
that although this can be unsettling in many ways they are letting go of ties
that bind them and stop their spiritual growth. It really is just a not so nice
part of the healing and clearing process. Many of the physical problems are
created by blocks in the emotional flow of the body. This occurs when we shut
down this flow and the emotional body collapses in on and becomes entangled
with the physical one. The pain, trauma and illness they cause are very real
and should not be discounted lightly so don’t forget to see your doctor if you
feel you should.

How do we cope with this and help release the
knots and ties that cause the discomfort and irrational thoughts… The best way
to deal with them is to take time out when things close in, do something you
really enjoy doing and send love to the thoughts and blow them to wind. If you
can have a massage, listen to music, have coffee with a friend, go for a walk
on the beach or somewhere that relaxes you then do so. The benefits of doing
this are immeasurable. Learn to heal yourself in ways that work for you and
know that no problem is so huge that a solution cannot be found if only we believe
in ourselves…

Love and Light

Sue xxx